Master Craftsman Rice Vinegar 900ml

Master Craftsman Rice Vinegar 900ml


Master Craftsman Rice Vinegar is brewed by the famous 300-year old vinegar maker, Tobaya Suten located in Fukui prefecture. Tobaya Suten is dedicated in vinegar-making in the traditional method. This rice vinegar is made of water, rice alcohol, koshihikari rice and koji yeast brewed slowly in big earthenware pots. Mild and aromatic, it is not an ordinary rice vinegar. We had this vinegar in a small bottle previously but now a 900ml bottle is available in Australia!

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Yuzu - Oyster or dipping sauce * (*highly recommended)

25ml Master craftsman rice vinegar

50ml Yuzu juice

75ml Yuzu syrup

7g Salt

Put syrup, salt and vinegar in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Take off the heat and add Yuzu juice.